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Kohan Zamir

Date : 2023-01-23

Designer / Author : Ali Salmanizadegan


Only 30 days chance to get and use CodeArt game engine for free, click on the download button to start.


Synonymous word game
In this game, you have to find words with the same meaning and click on them. Also, the game is designed in two languages and the words of both languages are translations of each other.

The scheme of the Kohn Zamir game first came to the mind of one of our team members in 2021 during a pleasant autumn evening.
The whole story was that he participated in the page challenges of one of the famous songwriters of the country every day;
Every day, the songwriter of our story asked the followers to directly reply the synonym of the word they see in the story.
The same issue made our creative friend think, right when he was struggling with this challenge and was finding a synonym for one of the songwriter's everyday stories, he felt a light bulb on his head and said: "I fell "
The game that I have been wanting to make for a while can definitely be this, a game to remember old sentences that is also a kind of exercise for the mind and includes a form of word table.
So this is how an attractive and exciting game, which is also cultural and can even be used as an educational reference for literature in schools and language schools, was created...
We see you in the oldest layers of your mind!


Designer / Author

Ali Salmanizadegan

CodeArt Engine Developer

Comments :


2023-07-03 22:52

امکان بارگذاری فایل ای پی کی در کافه بازار وجود داره؟

Ali Salmanizadegan

[ Reply میلاد ] 2023-07-03 22:53

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